Institute of International Peace Leaders

Institute of international peace leaders

"Empowering Leaders, Building Bridges, Creating Peaceful Communities."


Caring for the Environment: A Prerequisite for Advancing Humanity
Article on Caring for the Environment: A Prerequisite for Advancing Humanity by Engineer Hassan Al-wahdni IIPL Global Peace Ambassador for Hashemite Kingdome of Jordan...
The Digital Republic: The Struggle Between Power and Freedom
Article on The Digital Republic: The Struggle Between Power and Freedomby Dr. Ahmad Alwakeel IIPL Regional Director for Middle East...
International Women Day and the Role of Global Community
Article on IWD and the Role of Global Community by Advocate Ahmed Khan IIPL Director for KpK...
Divine Planning and Universe Management: Lessons for Life and Humanity
Article on Divine Planning and Universe Management: Lessons for Life and Humanity by Dr. Ahmad Alwakeel IIPL Regional Director for Middle East...
Empowering Feminine Energy: A Call for Peace, Equality, and Transformation
Article on Would the world be a different place if women had had more power and influence in the past? That is a question that has kept me busy thinking for years as an ambassador for peace and human...
Article on Peace Ensure Development by Qurat ul Ain National Youth Leader, Institute of International Peace Leaders...
Climate change-induce water challenges have become a significant threat to peace and prosperity worldwide. The impacts of climate change on water resources are multi-faceted and far-reaching. Firstly...
Sweden’s Climate Leadership: Key Goals and Strategies for COP 29
The UN Climate Change Conference (COP 29) will be held from November 11 to 22, 2024, in Baku, Azerbaijan. This major event brings together countries from around the world to address critical climate...
An article on Mononucleosis diesease and its mode of transmission by Qurat Ulain, Saira Sufyan and Wajiha Tabassum...
Hemorrhagic Septicemia their Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Vaccine
An article on digital literacy by Qurat Ulain, Fatima Zahra and Kinza Batool on Hemorrhagic Septicemia their Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Vaccine...
Navigating the Complexities of Pill-Based Solutions for the Opioid Crisis
Navigating the Complexities of Pill-Based Solutions for the Opioid Crisis An article by Banks, J; Bachelor of Ars, Major in psychology, Minor in political sciences...
Community Engagement and Social Responsibility: Grassroots Approaches to the SDGs in Pakistan
Community Engagement and Social Responsibility: Grassroots Approaches to the SDGs in Pakistan is an article by Tayyba Arshad, National Youth Leader on behalf of Institute of International Peace...
Achieving UN SDGs Agenda 2030: A Roadmap for Pakistan
Achieving UN SDGs Agenda 2030: A Roadmap for Pakistan is an article by Areeb Ul Haq Shaikh, National Youth Leader on behalf of Institute of International Peace Leaders and climate change expert...
How Can Pakistan Achieve the UN SDGs Agenda 2030? Roadmap to SDGs
How Can Pakistan Achieve the UN SDGs Agenda 2030? is an article by Areej Khalid, National Youth Leader on behalf of Institute of International Peace Leaders and project assistant...
Achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 in Pakistan: Challenges, Strategies, and Way Forward
Achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 in Pakistan: Challenges, Strategies, and Way Forward is an article by Bilal Ali, National Youth Leader on behalf of Institute of International Peace...
Can Pakistan rise above the challenges? UN SDG 4 and the quest for a brighter future
Can Pakistan rise above the challenges? UN SDG 4 and the quest for a brighter future is an article by Anousha Rafiq, National Youth Leader on behalf of Institute of International Peace Leaders...
Paving the Path: How Pakistan Can Achieve the UN SDGs Agenda 2030?
Paving the Path: How Pakistan Can Achieve the UN SDGs Agenda 2030? is an article by Aimen Ashfaq Siddiqui, National Youth Leader on behalf of Institute of International Peace Leaders...
Impact of Climate Change on Pakistan’s Water Resources From 2013-2018: Identification of Gaps in Water Management Policy
Impact of Climate Change on Pakistan’s Water Resources From 2013-2018: Identification of Gaps in Water Management Policy a MS Thesis in Humanities by Sara Khatoon...
Mindfulness and Health
Mindfulness and Health Dr. Austin Mardon & Nyah Shah What are you thinking about right now? Chances are you’re busy thinking about the past or...
Effects of COVID-19 on Youth Mental Health
Effects of COVID-19 on Youth Mental Health Dr. Austin Mardon & Nyah Shah Introduction Although the COVID-19 emergency may be over, the excruciatingly long period...
The Declaration of Sentiments:American Primary Source Analysis
The Declaration of Sentiments: American Primary Source Analysis By Dr. Austin Mardon & Jessica C. Henschel The American War of Independence is known for bringing...
The duality of two health crises in North America
The duality of two health crises in North America Dr. Austin Mardon & Imran Ahmed The COVID-19 pandemic has had profound and far-reaching consequences for...
What is antimicrobial drug resistance? Why you should be aware and how you can help
What is antimicrobial drug resistance? Why you should be aware and how you can help Dr. Austin Mardon & Imran Ahmed The gradual increase in...
The harsh reality First Nations reserves are facing while fighting the opioid crisis
The harsh reality First Nations reserves are facing while fighting the opioid crisis Dr. Austin Mardon & Imran Ahmed The opioid crisis has become an...
The Effect of the COVDI-19 Lockdown on Postpartum Depression among Mothers
The effect of the COVDI-19 lockdown on postpartum depression among mothers By Hareem Bilal and Dr. Austin Mardon The COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected the...
America’s Modern Iliads
America’s Modern Iliads Dr. Austin Mardon & Cheyanne Welch When Homer wrote the Iliad, he could not have known that it would remain a staple...
Long-Term Health Implications of the Ketogenic Diet
French Colonial Influence on the Huron and Montganais-Naskapi Populations Dr. Austin Mardon & Benjamin Tuener Abstract: The recent rise in popularity of the ketogenic diet...
French Colonial Influence on the Huron and Montganais-Naskapi Populations
French Colonial Influence on the Huron and Montganais-Naskapi Populations Dr. Austin Mardon & Benjamin Tuener Abstract:Milton Friedman had a great impact on the neoliberal movement...
Milton Friedman and the Neoliberal Revolution
Milton Friedman and the Neoliberal Revolution Dr. Austin Mardon & Benjamin Tuner Abstract:Milton Friedman had a great impact on the neoliberal movement among Western democracies...
Balancing Competing Interests in Canadian Federal Electoral Systems
Balancing Competing Interests in Canadian Federal Electoral Systems By Dr. Austin Mardon & Benjamin Turner Abstract: The influence of early French colonialism on Indigenous populations...
Syrian War: A History and Overview on Humanitarian Crisis
Syrian War: A History and Overview on Humanitarian Crisis By Jannat Irfan and Dr. Austin Mardon Entire cities were levelled, hospitals were targeted, historic monuments...
Are Continuum Robots Created Looking at Elephant Trunk Physiology?
Are Continuum Robots created looking at Elephant trunk Physiology? By Jannat Irfan and Dr. Austin Mardon Elephants are the only terrestrial animals with a trunk...
The Impact of the COVID-19 Lock-down on the Levels of Anxiety and Depression of Pregnant Women Leading to Cognitive Disorders in the Fetus
The Impact of the COVID-19 Lock-down on the Levels of Anxiety and Depression of Pregnant Women Leading to Cognitive Disorders in the Fetus By Hareem...
The Effects of Physical Child Abuse on Mental Health in Pakistan
The Effects of Physical Child Abuse on Mental Health in Pakistan By Hareem Bilal and Dr. Austin Mardon Around the world, child abuse has been...
Implementation of Strategies to Resolve the Opioid Crisis as We Emerge from the Pandemic
Implementation of Strategies to Resolve the Opioid Crisis as We Emerge from the Pandemic By Imran Ahmed and Dr. Austin Mardon The COVID-19 pandemic has...
What is antimicrobial drug resistance? Why you should be aware and how you can help?
What is antimicrobial drug resistance? Why you should be aware and how you can help? By Imran Ahmed and Dr. Austin Mardon The gradual increase...