Awareness Seminar on Water Day - Accelerate Change “Be The Change You Want to See in The World”
22nd March, 2023 at Human Library Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan.
Seminar Organizers:
Institute of International Peace Leaders and Helping Mind (Human Library)
Chief Organizers:
Shaikh Salman Hussain (Provincial Director Sindh IIPL)
Number of Attendees:
50 attendees (Advocates, Social Activist, NGOs, Educationist, Students & Civil Society)

Institute of International Peace Leaders Sindh Province team Organized Water Day Seminar at Human Library Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan on dated 19th March 2023. The Seminar Topic was Accelerate Change “Be The Change You Want to See in The World”.
Mr. Shaikh Salman Hussain Provincial Director IIPL Sindh & Mr. Umair Ali Coordinator IIPL District Hyderabad was Seminar Chief Organizers and Awareness Session Committee includes Muhammad Saeed Qaimkhani Country Director Pakistan, Shaikh Salman Hussain Province Director, Ahsan Mehmood Founder & CEO Helping Mind & Attaullah Chaudhary.
The combined expert short presentations by specialists, with structured discussion sessions on the challenges and opportunities on Topic Accelerate Change to solve the water and sanitation crisis. The reason why this session is so important for our society many peoples are no access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene is the most basic human need for health and well being. Billions of people will lack access to these basic services.
The Objective of this Awareness Session was:
- The objective of this seminar is to define and describe the phenomenon of The Climate crisis is a water crisis but all of us can be part of the solution by taking simple steps such as avoiding over-watering plants, taking shorter showers, create action list choose and share what you are going to do to help solve the water and sanitation crisis. how we respond to the situation makes a significant difference in outcome.
- Make team of youth leaders to plan and arrange Awareness Sessions in different colleges, schools, shopping malls & workplaces. Use our social media voice. Amplify messages on SDG 6.
- Provide a review of the existing research on the prevalence of Climate Crisis in Pakistan and other countries.
Awareness Session Format
One day awareness workshop session comprised, with 4 Keynote speakers, each speaker was given 30 minutes to address, followed by 10 minutes for questions. The session was structured to foster discussion between participants around the core themes. This was achieved by hosting small group debates, and full group discussions on pre-prepared questions following each session. The session also allotted 15 minutes for afternoon Hi-Tea to allow participants to continue their discussions after session at the end of day for a group reflection on the day’s discussions.

Awareness Session Theme
Sustainable Development Goals 6 Water. Accelerate Change “Be The Change You Want to See in The World”.
on related to core themes with a particular focus on the Safe Water and What challenges Pakistan Country is facing. Central themes and questions of each session included:
- How to create awareness in our society regarding adequate and equitable sanitation and basic hygiene & Safe Water Issues Most part of Pakistan is face challenges in providing adequate sanitation for their populations, leaving people at risk for diseases related to water, sanitation, and hygiene. What creative measures are required for safe water management?
- What IIPL help? Looking to the future, what will be core areas & priorities?
- How can IIPL engage with the Government Sector & other multilateral organizations.
Registration for the session was open to students, academics, NGOs and General Public. However, the nature of the Session meant that it was suitable for students, professionals & General Public, Invitations were sent directly to contacts in relevant fields, who were also asked to promote the event to other potentially interested parties within their organization. In total, 70 peoples registered for the session.

Keynote Speakers:
- Saeed Qaimkhani Country Director IIPL given Welcome Speech to all participants and Welcome newly induction members Mr. M. Asif Arain National Ambassador for Peace & Mr. Ali Raza National Ambassador for Education. He also expresses the importance of Safe water and sanitation crisis in Pakistan.
- Shaikh Salman Hussain Provincial Director Sindh IIPL announce upcoming awareness sessions regarding Plantation Drives, Water Days, Women Days and Youth Conference Karachi 1 (YCK1) InSha Allah in April 2023. He also elaborated why WATER Day awareness is very important for society, plant a Tree or create a raingarden use natural solutions to reduce the risk of flooding and store water. Choose a plant – based meal.
- Hunain Eassani National Youth Leader IIPL given Presentation on Safe Water Management He briefly describe why we celebrate the WATER DAY on 22nd March globally, Pakistan facing many challenges of freshwater and he also advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. He gives very informative presentation on IIPL Vision / objective and activities for SDG 6 “Water” and Sanitation and hygiene.
- Areeb Shaikh National Youth Leader IIPL, summarize data and provide research analysis on the topic he explains basic terms of Clean Water and Sanitation. He explains why There is an urgent need to accelerate change, in our country many peoples are drinking unhygienic water, He highlighted the importance of water and raise awareness about the global water crisis.
- Mr Asif Arain announce soon he will inaugurate IIPL Drinking Water RO plant in Tando Allah Yar for city population on free of cost basis & contribute Safe Water access for peoples.
List of some Key Participants of This session:
- Saeed Qaimkhani Country Director IIPL.
- Shaikh Salman Hussain Province Director IIPL
- Syed Imran Ali Divisional Director IIPL
- M. Asif Arain National Ambassador for Peace IIPL
- Mr. Ali Raza National Ambassador for Education IIPL.
- Ghulam Haider Arain (Sectary HDA & Social Activist).
- Mehmood KK (Social Activist).
- Bilal Naghar Ambassador IIPL.
- Daniyal Baloch Deputy Director IIPL.
- Waseem Ahmed Sharwani IIPL.
- Anas Elahi Qaimkhani District Director IIPL (TAY).
- Khurram Roofi Humanitarian Leader IIPL.
- Shabnum Rasheed Divisional Director IIPL Women Wing.
- Hamida (Social Activist).
- Sarwar (Social Activist).
- Haji Faisal (Social Activist).
- Attaullah (Managing Director Helping Mind).
- Nabeel Hyder (IT Coordinator).
- Ms Mahnoor Sohail (Psychologist).
- Ms Jaweria (Volunteer).
- Majid Social Activist.
- Osama Ansari Educationist.
- Salman Abro Social Activist.
Mr. Shaikh Salman Hussain announce now onward IIPL team will collaborate with NGOs, Institutions to make voluntary commitments to accelerating progress on SDG 6 & water-related goals and targets. IIPL will organize Water and Sanitation awareness events, seminars and workshops in schools, colleges, universities and other workplaces to create awareness on Climate Resilient and Clean Water, share facts and stories on SDG 6 in IIPL Magazine to draw attention to local water and sanitation issues.