authors Aimen Ashfaq Siddiqui Paving the Path: How Pakistan Can Achieve the UN SDGs Agenda 2030? Ambreen Noor Transformative Food Distribution Solutions in Pakistan: Navigating Challenges for a Hunger-Free Nation Pathogenesis of influenza virus in Avian Anousha Rafiq Can Pakistan rise above the challenges? UN SDG 4 and the quest for a brighter future Areeb Ul Haq Shaikhk Achieving UN SDGs Agenda 2030: A Roadmap for Pakistan Areej Khalid How Can Pakistan Achieve the UN SDGs Agenda 2030? Roadmap to SDGs Areesha Arooj Digital Literacy Bilal Ali Achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 in Pakistan: Challenges, Strategies, and Way Forward Catharina van Staveren Would the world be a different place if women had had more power and influence in the past? Fatima Zahra Hemorrhagic Septicemia their Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Vaccine Hasnain Sajjad How Pakistan can achieve UN SDGs Agenda 2030? Jenna Banks Navigating the Complexities of Pill-Based Solutions for the Opioid Crisis Kinza Batool Hemorrhagic Septicemia their Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Vaccine Muhammad Siddique Madani How Pakistan can achieve UN SDGs Agenda 2030? Qurat ulain MONONUCLEOSIS DISEASE AND ITS MODE OF TRANSMISSION Hemorrhagic Septicemia their Etiology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Vaccine Digital Literacy HOW PAKISTAN CAN REDUCE THE CLIMATE CHANGE RISKS THROUGH URBAN DEVELOPMENT Â AND SUSTAINABLE WATER MANAGEMENT IN PAKISTAN. MEDIA REPRESENTATION AND GENDER: ANALYZING HOW MAIN STREAM MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION CHANNELS REPRESENT CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON DIFFERENT GENDERS View all posts by Qurat ulain Saira Sufyan MONONUCLEOSIS DISEASE AND ITS MODE OF TRANSMISSION Tayyba Arshad Community Engagement and Social Responsibility: Grassroots Approaches to the SDGs in Pakistan Umme Ruman Fatima Digital Literacy Wajiha Tabassum MONONUCLEOSIS DISEASE AND ITS MODE OF TRANSMISSION