IIPL Peace Fellow Dinner
at Islamabad Club

Institute of International Peace Leaders – IIPL has organized its first IIPL Peace Fellow Dinner on Wednesday, 10th of August, 2022 at 8:00 PM in Islamabad Club Islamabad, Pakistan regarding current scenarios of global climate change, health and Peace concerns of Pakistan. Personalities from different professions of Government, public, private and social and development sector of Islamabad were part of the IIPL Peace Fellow Dinner.
Kharayat Hussain Ch. Honorary President IIPL and Country Representative Pak Saudi Friendship Forum along with Ch. Mazhar from United Kingdom and Muhammad Shakeel Munir, Honorable President of Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industries were Chief Guests among other honorable guests including Sr. Vice President and Vice President ICCI Aya Mehmood Lashari Zonal Administrative Auqat Rawalpindi Zone, Javaid Bangush President KpK Amman (Peace) Committee, Honorable Dr. Hasan Urooj Incumbent WHO Representative and Ex Director General Health Pakistan, Qaisar Hayat, Associate Professor and Head of Soil and Fertility Department UAAR Rawalpindi, Muhammad Asif, Assistant Commissioner Kural Islamabad, Ahsan Maroof ENTOMOLOGIST District Health Office Islamabad, Ministry of National Health, Mian Muhammad Rauf, International Executive Director IIPL, Kausar Dewan Advocate, Sehrish from British Council, Sumaiza Nayyer, IIPL Goodwill Ambassador for Education, Muhammad Usman, Mian Rashid Hamayun, Habib Orakzai President PIHRO, Naveed Satti President Global Media Association, Sara Hasham Women Activist, Muhammad Mubashar, Ch. Gulraiz Khan and Mian Tauqeer businessmen of Islamabad. Â
Miss Sumaiza Nayyer, IIPL Goodwill Ambassador for Education briefly introduced objectives of IIPL
Ch. Kharayat Hussain Honorary President IIPL and Country Representative Pak Saudi Friendship Forum has motivated participants and thanked Muhammad Atta ur Rehman for organizing such a nice IIPL Peace Fellow Dinner.Â
Muhammad Shakeel Muneer President Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industries addressing the participants at Islamabad Club during IIPL Peace Fellow Dinner.Â
Honorable Dr. Hasan Urooj WHO Representative and Ex Director General Health Pakistan address to IIPL Peace Fellow Dinner Particiapnts
Ch. Mazhar a renowned Pakistani Businessman in United Kingdom addressed the participants and thanked IIPL team for inviting him in such a great prgoram.
After formal speeches by the speakers, participants were provided opportunity to introduce themselves to each other other. All participants were asked to give their ideas on the objectives of Institute of International Peace Leaders to improve working of institute and to help build peaceful communities.Â