Institute of International Peace Leaders

About Us

Vision, Mission and Values


registered and incorporated in Pakistan – License No. 0141143; as an international non-partisan, non-political, non-sectarian and non-profit independent think tank which promotes innovation, value-based approach to peace-building through creating strategies, policies, techniques and approach to critical thinking for peace. IIPL engrosses and organizes a global network that develops community, national, and regional peace-building models as the foundation for ethical and cohesive societies.


"The Institute of International Peace Leaders envisions a world where the absence of violent conflict is not only achievable but imperative for global security and human prosperity. We believe that sustainable peace is essential for fostering development, preserving nature, and fostering harmony among nations and communities."


"Our mission is to cultivate a global community of peace leaders committed to advancing the vision of a conflict-free world. Through education, advocacy, and collaboration, we strive to empower individuals and societies to build resilient peace frameworks that promote sustainable development, environmental stewardship, and harmonious coexistence."

What We Do?

As the Institute of International Peace Leaders, our mission is deeply rooted in promoting peace, sustainable development, climate action, human rights, and harmony. Here’s a comprehensive overview of what we do in each of these areas:

  • Develop and implement peacebuilding programs focused on addressing the root causes of conflict, fostering reconciliation, and promoting peaceful coexistence.
  • Provide training and capacity-building workshops for individuals and communities on conflict resolution, mediation, and nonviolent communication.
  • Facilitate dialogue processes between conflicting parties to promote understanding, trust, and cooperation.
  • Support local peacebuilding initiatives and grassroots organizations working to build peace in conflict-affected areas.
  • Conduct research and analysis on the intersections between peacebuilding and sustainable development, identifying synergies and opportunities for collaboration.
  • Promote sustainable development practices that prioritize social equity, environmental protection, and economic prosperity.
  • Advocate for policies and initiatives that integrate peacebuilding and sustainability goals, recognizing the interconnectedness of peace, development, and environmental health.
  • Support community-led development projects that address local needs while promoting peace, resilience, and sustainability.
  • Raise awareness about the linkages between climate change, conflict, and insecurity, highlighting the importance of addressing climate-related challenges for peacebuilding efforts.
  • Advocate for climate action policies that promote mitigation, adaptation, and resilience-building strategies at local, national, and international levels.
  • Support initiatives that empower communities to adapt to climate change impacts and build resilience to environmental stresses.
  • Promote renewable energy, sustainable land management, and conservation practices as key components of peacebuilding and climate action.
  • Advocate for the protection and promotion of human rights, including the rights of marginalized and vulnerable populations, as essential elements of peace and security.
  • Monitor human rights violations and abuses, and support efforts to hold perpetrators accountable through legal mechanisms and advocacy campaigns.
  • Provide training and resources to empower individuals and communities to advocate for their rights and participate in decision-making processes.
  • Support civil society organizations and human rights defenders working to promote justice, equality, and inclusivity in their communities.
  • Facilitate interfaith dialogue and cooperation initiatives aimed at promoting understanding, tolerance, and respect among people of different religious and cultural backgrounds.
  • Organize interfaith events, workshops, and exchanges to foster dialogue, build relationships, and address common challenges collaboratively.
  • Support interfaith peacebuilding projects that promote reconciliation, social cohesion, and peaceful coexistence in diverse societies.
  • Advocate for policies and initiatives that promote religious freedom, pluralism, and the rights of religious minorities, recognizing the importance of religious harmony for peace and stability.